Sunday, January 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know - I am about a month late in sending you all blessings for a fabulous New Year!  Hopefully, your 2016 has started out well! 

So here we are at February 1 tomorrow!  Here in Iowa, that means one thing this year - Caucus!  Now, I have always been interested in politics - not in running for office, but watching what happens in politics.  And it's always really fun to watch what happens every four years! 

Starting last year, we started seeing and hearing from the candidates. Here in Iowa, we are inundated with news and ads for close to 6 months!  The candidates have made their way through towns - large and small- throughout this state begging for support.  There have been numerous debates for both sides. And it all comes to this tomorrow - the shot for the first sign that the voters choose you for their presidential candidate.

This year, I have been watching the ads - and the quantity of ads.  I can't go through one commercial break without seeing at least 3 ads. Most of the time, you can tell who the ad is for, but this year in particular, I have seen various ads that support a cause or platform and you have to assume that the ad is "for" a certain candidate's platform. There have been the ads that talk about what good a candidate wants to do and the bad ads from their competition.  Gosh, I don't know that I have shoulders big enough to withstand the bashing over and over and over again! 

Having not heard the dollar figure total on how much each candidate has spent (or the PACs have spent), I am certain it is ALOT! And I just wonder how much good we could do with the money that is spent on political advertising!  How many people would not have to wonder where their next meal is coming from or where they are going to sleep tonight? Or how many more kids could get the supplies they need for school? 

I know! I am a little bit too "Pollyanna" on this - but I bet there would be a lot of people who would support my idea - let's not spend so much on advertising and let's give it back to the people who need it! 

Alas, I am sure my idea would never get anywhere - so I will just end with this. Tomorrow, the State of Iowa will go to the caucus site and support their candidate. Our state is on stage for one more day! And then the ads will end - at least for a little while :-)!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

A challenge for me

Hapoy December 6th y'all!  Apologies for my absence the past couple of weeks.  Things happen and life got in my way for a bit! But I am still here! Hope everyone enjoyed the holiday weekend!

Anyway, more about the title...a challenge for me.  I don't complete things. I tend to start a project (or multiple projects) and struggle to finish it! I know what I want to do, but then in the middle of the thing I started, I get distracted and move on to something else...and most of the time that project isn't completed either.

This is something that I work on daily! In my professional life, I am better able to finish what I start..thank goodness for that! It's the stuff that I like to do..crafts, rearranging my personal space at home...that I struggle with.

A few weeks ago I started something new.  And today...I FINISHED it! I know it may not seem like a big deal to some, but to me, it is an accomplishment!  I am attaching a picture of my completed project! Yes, it is coloring! I saw that adult coloring was a big thing now (I have always liked to color) so I bought a book and some pencils and YAY! First picture completed!  I will admit....I did start another page in the middle of this book but then set my mind to completing the first one and I did!

So now. I am going to try to finish another project, this one a little less exciting...washing clothes! Thanks for reading this today...and wish me luck! Down to the laundry room I go!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Random thoughts tonight

Just a few very random thoughts...

Keeping my brother in my thoughts - he undergoes his surgery tomorrow.  I wish I could be there with my sister-in-law, nephew and niece while they wait - I will just have to wait on the call that everything went fine!

Lots of positive thoughts being sent out this week to family and friends. There are a lot of people that I know and love that need them - so I am trying! It does seem like when it rains, it pours!

This world has gone crazy! Friday's tragic events in Paris made my heart hurt. And now with the split in the country on what to do about refugees - I see it in my Facebook timeline...just how split my pool of friends is. I know that whatever happens will happen and we will deal with it.  I also am not naive enough to think that there aren't already people in this country that wish to do harm.  So we deal with whatever will happen - we just need to live our lives.  The minute we let fear control us - those that wish us harm win.

I shared a post on Facebook earlier this week about Signs from Angels.  I don't know if you saw the picture that I posted two weeks ago - the angel in the clouds as the plane was descending into Chicago.  I cherish those signs from angels.  I find a penny and thank my angel. I see lights in the corners of my eyes - and thank the angels. I believe in the good - I believe that we do have spirits and angels looking over us. That may be too weird for some - but it is who I am.

And finally tonight - we are getting ready for the first snow of the season here in Iowa.  They say 3"-6" Friday and Saturday...we will see!  I love the snow!  Love the way it covers the ground and for a brief moment in time, everything looks peaceful-like a painting! Bring it on!  Let's get winter underway!

Again - I promised very random thoughts and there you have it.  Hope you all had a fabulous Wednesday - until next time...Cheers! Much love to all!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Wake up calls -

Those things we call wake up calls seem to be coming earlier in life.  My mom died when she was 52.  My younger sister had a heart attack at 40 and today we got the news that my brother had a heart attack last night.  He is 39.  I am still a little in shock at this news - 39?!?

Yes, my family has a history of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes. Yes, we all should have taken better care of ourselves.  And yes, I know, these things happen to people even younger than my brother.  But when it hits close to home - it makes you more aware of how quickly things can change. I have thought for years that things like this would happen to me - not to my siblings.  After all, I was the one growing up that was heavier than the others. I was not athletically inclined in any way shape or form and usually preferred to stay indoors rather than be outside playing.  And stress?  Yes, we all have that in our lives - so we all can tend to feel that we are more stressed than another.  And no, I am not wanting these things to happen to me, but the questions do exist as to "Why not me?"

I just ran into a friend that I met over 8 years ago when I first moved to Waterloo. I shared with her the news and explained that he is only 39 and she said "It's like that quote you shared from the movie."  For those who may not be on my Facebook page or may have just missed it, this is a quote from a Hallmark Holiday movie that I watched last week..."You can spend your whole life wondering 'What if' or you can just live in the moment and see what happens." At 46, I know I have wondered a lot of "What ifs" - and I did it today. It's natural to do it with so many things that can happen. But yet, we can choose to live in the moment!  And I want to do that more!  I want to intentionally try to choose to live for now and see what happens.

No, that doesn't mean that I will ignore common sense.  But it does mean that I will focus on enjoying each day!  I will make choices that are better for me (health wise) - goodness knows I need to do that! I will work on being present in each and every moment - to see more of the great things that are there in this world!  I don't consider myself a risk-taker so jumping out of a plane doesn't look to be on my agenda, but I can find other ways to see things from new and different perspectives! I started a draft plan for this a few months back - my "Things To Do Before I Am 50" list!  Some of the things on that list already are visit New York City and ride in a tractor!  (My "plan" is to be on the Today Show on my 50th birthday!!!) 

So for today, I will ask one simple thing. While you are enjoying your day, please send a thought up for my brother and his family. Every little bit helps, right?!?  So I thought I would just ask - 

Thanks and love to all - 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thank you!

Today is Veteran's Day and those two words in the title just doesn't seem like enough. Men and women past and present chose to dedicate their life to serving our country in a multitude of ways. Some serve in administrative ways, others served by providing daily needs for others and others on frontline combat service.  But all of them left loved ones behind when they needed to train or serve in places where families could not go.  How is one thank you on one day enough?

I come from a military family.  Both of my grandfathers in the Navy and one in the Coast Guard. My dad was Air Force and Air Force Reserve and my brother was Coast Guard. I had great-uncles that served in the forces and know that one was lost in WWII. While my family never moved from the MS Gulf Coast, I recognized that life was different for military families as I had many friends that came and went based on parents' transfers to new duty stations. And my dad was away from us at times...and I remember it being different to not have him around. I remember the excitement on the days when we knew he would be coming home! I couldn't imagine what it would have been like to move around...or worse yet, not have my dad come home. But those are facts of life for those that serve...and their families, too.

So how are two words "Thank You" enough? It's a simple acknowledgement...but one that I am sure is appreciated. So THANK YOU to all who have served! Thank you for giving your time and your energy to protect my freedom, to ensure that when I got up this morning, I had the ability to choose where I went for coffee, where I went to work and how I got there.  Thank you for the times that you missed your loved ones...those times that you really wanted to be there for a special occasion or the daily activities with your families. And to those families of our veterans, thank you too! You endured periods of time without seeing them...and sometimes without hearing from them.

Dad, thank you for your service! I am proud to be your daughter! And to my brother, though he may never read this, thank you too for serving!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Greetings once again from my little piece of the world!  It's Monday night and I am just home from bowling.  Yes...I bowl!  Two nights a week actually - Sunday and Monday nights with different people that I consider friends! I didn't grow up playing sports of any kind - more of a bookworm finding myself reading and studying! So this is a little different as bowling is a competitive sport, but there aren't things flying at me (like softball) and I don't have to run (thank goodness for that!) Anyway, I have been participating in this sport for a few years and am in it for the FUN!  Thank goodness I have friends that let me participate with them!

I now would like to introduce you to some of the rest of the family!  I did mention that I am married in my first post - so I would like to introduce you all to John!  John and I met while I lived in Mississippi and he lived in Alabama, (We now live in Iowa - more about how we got here later.)  We met in an AOL chat room arguing about whose hockey team was best!  We became friends despite the fact that we could not agree on that hockey issue (nor college teams, nor NASCAR get the picture!)  and after a few years of dating, decided to join our lives together.  Over 11 years now, we have been partners in this life - moving around the country from MS/AL to Louisiana, Colorado, Florida and finally here!  It's a sometimes crazy journey, but am glad we are on this ride together!

As for the rest of my family - my Dad and step-mom live in Florida, one sister lives in Maine, the other in Louisiana, my brother in MS.  And most of my nieces and nephews live in MS for now. My oldest nephew, Tyler, does live here in Iowa with John and me and the fur-kids!  AND...there are now 3 great-nieces and 2 great-nephews in the family!  We keep growing!

One of the things that I do miss most is getting together with the family. I remember the holidays spent with family - Thanksgiving dinner at my grandparent's house down the street from ours, Christmas gatherings at my great-grandma's house in Mobile, AL and Fourth of July bar-b-ques in Texas. We had some great times though I am sure sometimes I thought it was just something we "had" to do - I would give so much to have some of those times back - to spend more time with those that are not here any more. I would ask so many more questions of them than I did back then about how they grew up - what their lives were like - how do you cook that?! LOL! And of course, just time to spend with them to talk about anything and everything. Lost moments that can never be regained - to just have one more day with them - my mom, my grandparents - how I miss them. (And yes, I am singing that song "One More Day" by Diamond Rio - love that song!)

Now that I have tears in my eyes - I guess it's best that I turn in for the night.  Thanks for your time - I do wish you sweet dreams...until next time.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Picture flying into Chicago this afternoon!  Angels watching - ya think?!?